Nutrient Composition, Glucosinolate and Vinyl-Oxazolidine-Thione Profiling of Indian Rapeseed (Brassica juncea Coss.) Meal
Presence of antinutritional factor(s) in any feedstuff impedes effective nutrient utilization by animals, besides causing specific adverse effects. This study includes eighteen different batches of Indian rapeseed (Brassica juncea Coss.) meal (RSM) sampled over a period of nine months for their evaluation in terms of nutrient composition, glucosinolate (GL) and vinyloxazolidine- thione (VOT) concentrations. Results showed that RSM contained a mean value (on dry basis) of crude protein (36.7%), ether extract (1.1%), ash (7.6%), crude fibre (10%), neutral detergent fibre (25%), acid detergent fibre (16.5%), hemicellulose (8.6%), total carbohydrates (54.7%), non-fibrous carbohydrates (29.7%), total digestible nutrients (77.9%) and metabolizable energy (11.7 MJ/kg). Furthermore, antinutritional factors like GL (μmol/g) and VOT (mg/g) are presented to be in the range of 36.2–72.2 (mean: 52) and 0–3.2 (mean: 1.0) respectively. Based on the species-wise tolerance limit for GL, the optimum inclusion level of RSM recommended for ruminants, pigs, rabbits, rats, poultry and fish is 15.6%, 1.5%, 13.5%, 1%, 10.4% and 6.9% respectively. Results of the present study are expected to maximize precision ration balancing for enhanced nutrient utilization whilst also curtailing any possible adverse effects of GL and VOT on production performance of animals.
Antinutrients, Glucosinolates, NIRS, Protein Feeding, Rapeseed Meal.
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