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Mahua (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia Roxb. A. Chev.) tree has religious and aesthetic value in the ethos of many tribes of Gujarat, India. Traditional knowledge of the people about the various uses of mahua is shrinking rapidly due to the change in socioeconomic status. The present study was conducted to draw the utilization pattern of mahua resources and to document the traditional knowledge of the people involved in its usage in Gujarat. Information regarding pattern of utilization and traditional knowledge about mahua was collected using the participatory rural appraisal method. Results highlighted interesting information on traditional knowledge about processing, product development and medicinal value of mahua resources. The species is under threat and receives less care compared to the benefits drawn from it. Therefore, sustainable management of this valuable species is needed by taking a lesson from traditional knowledge.


Mahua Resources, Sustainable Management, Traditional Knowledge, Utilization Pattern.
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