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Data and Ideology of Science

1 562 Adenwala Road, Rustom Mansion, Mumbai 400 019, India

A recent editorial in Nature1 urged scientists to rise above politics and restate their value to society. It is a suggestion that may work if what is of value could be agreed upon by scientists, their paymasters and ordinary citizens. Generating data or evidence-based knowledge is what scientists are supposed to do. That probably is the enduring value of science. However, to the two biggest paymasters of the scientific profession – Government and industry – that kind of value means little. Science that delivers technologies for war or profit, preferably both, is of value to them. To complicate matters, to an average citizen all data-based knowledge has now become a domain for ‘experts’. Consequently, when bad or bogus knowledge is touted as ‘scientific’ or ‘expert advice’, the value of all knowledge is undermined. Unfortunately, in the post-truth world ‘expert advice’ is often nothing but lies cloaked in bad or fraudulent statistical data. A closer examination of the ideology that drives this rampant misuse of data in the name of science is therefore necessary.
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  • and Also see Lewontin, R., Rose, S. and Kamin, L. J., Not in our genes: Biology, Ideology and Human Nature, Penguin Books, London, 1984, ISBN 0-394-72888-2.
  • Smil, V., Nature, 1999, 400(6743), 415.
  • The Economist, 2013, p. 70; also see
  • and
  • psychology_before_and_after_the_Stapel_fraud_case
  • Polanyi, K., The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of our Time, 1944. Reprinted with a forward by Joseph Stiglitz and introduction by Fred Block, Beacon Press, Boston, USA, 2001.
  • Editorial, Nature, 2019, 573, 464.

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  • Data and Ideology of Science

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Sumit Bhaduri
562 Adenwala Road, Rustom Mansion, Mumbai 400 019, India


A recent editorial in Nature1 urged scientists to rise above politics and restate their value to society. It is a suggestion that may work if what is of value could be agreed upon by scientists, their paymasters and ordinary citizens. Generating data or evidence-based knowledge is what scientists are supposed to do. That probably is the enduring value of science. However, to the two biggest paymasters of the scientific profession – Government and industry – that kind of value means little. Science that delivers technologies for war or profit, preferably both, is of value to them. To complicate matters, to an average citizen all data-based knowledge has now become a domain for ‘experts’. Consequently, when bad or bogus knowledge is touted as ‘scientific’ or ‘expert advice’, the value of all knowledge is undermined. Unfortunately, in the post-truth world ‘expert advice’ is often nothing but lies cloaked in bad or fraudulent statistical data. A closer examination of the ideology that drives this rampant misuse of data in the name of science is therefore necessary.
