The functional response of three anthocorid bugs, namely Blaptostethus pallescens Poppius, Cardiastethus affinis Poppius and Montandoniola indica Yamada (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) was assessed by feeding them with different densities of thrips larvae of Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) in the laboratory. Predation rate of all the three species increased with increasing prey densities. Both B. pallescens and C. affinis exhibited type-II response and M. indica exhibited type-III response. Among the predators, M. indica proved to be effective as it showed highest predation rate, higher 1/Th, higher a/Th and lowest handling time followed by B. pallescens. It is evident from the present study that M. indica and B. pallescens could be used in augmentative biological control programmes for thrips.
Anthocorid Bugs, Blossom Thrips, Functional Response, Predation Rate.
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