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Study of ecomorphological variations in fish of different habitats helps in understanding the diversification of body traits developed due to different environmental conditions. The morphological variations in subpopulations of Trichogaster fasciata induced by different habitats characterized by different environmental conditions have been studied. Overall, 86% and 92% of individuals were correctly classified using linear discriminant function analysis of truss and geometric morphometrics. The individuals from lotic habitat showed a more streamlined body, sloping head and inflated caudal peduncle than those of the lentic habitat which displayed deeper body, broader head and deflated caudal peduncle. Relative warps were used to quantify variations in the form of characteristic interpretation of body shape. The results from the present study help clarify the questions of morphological predictions in the sub-populations of this fish across different flow habitats and provide insights into phenotypic variations in the T. fasciata population.


Geometric Morphometrics, Ecomorphological Variation, Phenotypic Plasticity, Trichogaster fasciata, Truss Analysis.
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