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Encounter rates and density of medium and large-sized mammals with nocturnal habits in southern Amazon, Brazil

1 Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri, Goiás, Brasil
2 Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Conservação de Recursos Naturais do Cerrado, Urutaí, Goiás, Brasil

The aim of the present study is to calculate the encounter rate and estimate the density of medium and large-sized mammals with nocturnal habits in the Cristalino region of northern Mato Grosso, southern Amazon, Brazil, using distance sampling method. Eight species were detected with encounter rate varying from 0.09 at 1.68 encounters 10 km–1, and three population densities were estimated: Cuniculus paca (7.75 individuals km–2), Potos flavus (7.08 individuals km–2) and Mazama americana (4.23 individuals km–2). Our data help expand the information about density of nocturnal mammals in the southern Amazon region, in the transition between the Amazon and the Cerrado biomes, and can contribute to management and conservation of these species


Distance sampling, encounter rates, nocturnal mammals, population density, species abundance.
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  • Encounter rates and density of medium and large-sized mammals with nocturnal habits in southern Amazon, Brazil

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Ednaldo Cândido Rocha
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Ipameri, Goiás, Brasil
Camilla Angélica de Lima
Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Conservação de Recursos Naturais do Cerrado, Urutaí, Goiás, Brasil
Nayara Lima Batista
Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Conservação de Recursos Naturais do Cerrado, Urutaí, Goiás, Brasil
André Luís da Silva Castro
Instituto Federal Goiano, Campus Urutaí, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Conservação de Recursos Naturais do Cerrado, Urutaí, Goiás, Brasil


The aim of the present study is to calculate the encounter rate and estimate the density of medium and large-sized mammals with nocturnal habits in the Cristalino region of northern Mato Grosso, southern Amazon, Brazil, using distance sampling method. Eight species were detected with encounter rate varying from 0.09 at 1.68 encounters 10 km–1, and three population densities were estimated: Cuniculus paca (7.75 individuals km–2), Potos flavus (7.08 individuals km–2) and Mazama americana (4.23 individuals km–2). Our data help expand the information about density of nocturnal mammals in the southern Amazon region, in the transition between the Amazon and the Cerrado biomes, and can contribute to management and conservation of these species


Distance sampling, encounter rates, nocturnal mammals, population density, species abundance.
