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In the present study three commercial wheat threshers of capacity 600–800, 800–1200 and 1200–1500 kg/h were operated and mean concentration of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and TSP was recorded at three locations, i.e. 3 m to the left, right and back of the blower outlet and compared with standard limits of 24 h mean of PM2.5 and PM10 recommended by NAAQS, Central Pollution Control Board New Delhi, Environment Pro­tection Agency and WHO air quality guidelines. PM10 concentration emitted from all threshers exceeded the desired limits. The thresher with the lowest capacity only exceeded the PM2.5 concentration limits recommended by WHO, whereas the other two threshers exceeded all desirable limits of PM2.5 concentration.


Dust, Microenvironment, Particulate Matter, Standard Limits, Wheat Thresher.
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