Effect of Post-anthesis High Temperature on Seed Longevity and Vigour in Wheat (triticum Aestivum L.).
The effect of post-anthesis high temperature on seed quality was studied in four promising genotypes (T 2003R, R 902, R 958 and R 965) of wheat (Trirticum aestivum L.) under a controlled environment (30°/25°C day/night temperature from 81 days after sowing to harvest maturity). Seed mass, density, seed membrane development, ability to germinate, subsequent seed longevity and seedling vigour declined in the seeds harvested from high temperature after post-anthesis, resulting in early maturation and poor desiccation tolerance at harvest maturity. Genotype R 965 showed greater resilience to damage compared to the other genotypes
Climate Change, High Temperature, Postanthesis, Seed Quality, Vigour, Whea
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