Microorganisms offer a low-cost, eco-friendly alterna-tive to chemical fertilizers. A pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic bacterium Gen-B2 was isolated from sugarcane rhizosphere and its growth-promoting acti-vity was detected using in vitro experiments. Based on morphological, biochemical and molecular character-istics, Gen-B2 was identified as Methylobacterium popu-li. Pepper seedling inoculation significantly benefitted shoot/root fresh/dry weight, plant height, chlorophyll content and average true leaf number. Determination of activities related to growth promotion indicated that Gen-B2 promoted plant growth through nitrogen fixa-tion and indole acetic acid synthesis. The present study suggests that this bacterium has great potential to be used as a bioinoculant for sustainable cultivation.
Growth Promotion, Indole-3-acetic Acid, Methylobacterium Populi, Nitrogen Fixation, Pepper Plants, Sugarcane Rhizosphere
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