India has actively participated in the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Stratospheric Ozone Layer through its noteworthy management and governance. This Protocol is an international treaty with most nations as signatories to safeguard the ozone layer. For the success of the Montreal Protocol, developing (Article-5) and developed (non-Article 5) countries, as well as those with economies in transition, need to adhere to its conditions and provisions fully. Ozone-depleting substances have been phased out from all countries. Since 1 August 2008, India has completely phased out the production and consumption of chlorofluorocarbons, almost 17 months ahead of the agreed phase-out schedule. The country has also contributed to the ‘save ozone’ efforts by all the world nations
Chlorofluorocarbons, international treaty, management and governance, ozone, stratosphere
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