Diabetes is becoming more common in children and adolescents around the world, with serious consequences for the long-term health of individuals, societies and nations. Diagnosis and management of diabetes in children present several unique challenges. Although type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is more common in children and adolescents, type 2 diabetes mellitus is also on the rise in young people, particularly among certain ethnic groups. A thorough patient history evolution and physical examination usually reveal the diagnosis. Specific laboratory and imaging tests, however, are required to confirm the diagnosis. Diabetes management in children and adolescents can be difficult in some cases due to age-specific issues and the more aggressive nature of the disease. This study summarizes various sources on how a patientcentred approach focusing on comprehensive risk factor reduction with the involvement of all concerned stakeholders (patients, parents, peers and teachers) could help ensure the best possible level of diabetes control and prevent or delay long-term complications.
Children and Adolescents, Diagnosis and Management, Hypoglycaemia, Insulin, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
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