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Precise Mosaicing of Mouza Plans for the Preparation of Digital Cadastral Map Using GNSS

1 CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad 826 015, India

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), an advanced surveying system, is used to determine three-dimensional points accurately. The present study was conducted in Kasta East Coal Block of the West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL), India, focusing on data generation, establishing boundary coordinates and mosaicing of mouza plans using real-time kinematic approach. Base station and primary control points were established by the static method. It evaluates the geospatial information using GNSS and quantification of the accuracy of the geo-referenced cadastral map of kasta east coal block of WBPDCL. Scanned mouza plans were converted to vector format through AutoCAD, oriented and placed precisely with the help of established ground control points. The features of the cadastral map were tuned by superimposing the vector cadastral map of the study area. Assessment of the vector cadastral map showed better accuracy and less distortion in large-area parcels/khasras. More variations were observed in small-area khasras. Similarly, smaller mouzas showed more variation compared to larger ones. Distortions were due to manual error in digitization and technical error in scanning. The methodology of mosaicing presented here will be useful for updating the cadastral maps with improved precision in digital cadastral plan preparation.


Cadastral Maps, Digitization, Georeferencing, Mosaicing, Satellite System.
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  • Precise Mosaicing of Mouza Plans for the Preparation of Digital Cadastral Map Using GNSS

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Aniket Verma
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad 826 015, India
Amar Prakash
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad 826 015, India
Ajay Kumar
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad 826 015, India
Sandip Oraon
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad 826 015, India
Sujit Kumar Mandal
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad 826 015, India


Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), an advanced surveying system, is used to determine three-dimensional points accurately. The present study was conducted in Kasta East Coal Block of the West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL), India, focusing on data generation, establishing boundary coordinates and mosaicing of mouza plans using real-time kinematic approach. Base station and primary control points were established by the static method. It evaluates the geospatial information using GNSS and quantification of the accuracy of the geo-referenced cadastral map of kasta east coal block of WBPDCL. Scanned mouza plans were converted to vector format through AutoCAD, oriented and placed precisely with the help of established ground control points. The features of the cadastral map were tuned by superimposing the vector cadastral map of the study area. Assessment of the vector cadastral map showed better accuracy and less distortion in large-area parcels/khasras. More variations were observed in small-area khasras. Similarly, smaller mouzas showed more variation compared to larger ones. Distortions were due to manual error in digitization and technical error in scanning. The methodology of mosaicing presented here will be useful for updating the cadastral maps with improved precision in digital cadastral plan preparation.


Cadastral Maps, Digitization, Georeferencing, Mosaicing, Satellite System.
