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Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Precise Measurement of a Tractor Implement Performance in the Field

1 Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India., India

A multi-sensor-based instrumentation system was asses­sed under static and dynamic conditions to precisely measure a tractor-implement performance in the field. The system was evaluated using a tractor and three different implements, viz. 11-tyne cultivator, three-bottom ridger and nine-row spatially modified no-till drill. The final results were compared with conventional measurement techniques. The range of disparity for wheel slip, draft, inclination angle, fuel consumption, radiator fan speed and forward speed was 4.24–5.99%, 2.63–4.95%, 2.68–7.20%, 3.78–5.64%, 3.37–4.81% and 3.04–4.97% respectively. The system could measure real-time variations in the field and proved to be an energy- and time-saving device.


Data Logger, Instrumentation System, Perfor-Mance Assessment, Sensors, Tractor Implements.
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  • Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Precise Measurement of a Tractor Implement Performance in the Field

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Tarandeep Singh
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India., India
Aseem Verma
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India., India
Manjeet Singh
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India., India
Prabhnaman Kaur
Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 004, India., India


A multi-sensor-based instrumentation system was asses­sed under static and dynamic conditions to precisely measure a tractor-implement performance in the field. The system was evaluated using a tractor and three different implements, viz. 11-tyne cultivator, three-bottom ridger and nine-row spatially modified no-till drill. The final results were compared with conventional measurement techniques. The range of disparity for wheel slip, draft, inclination angle, fuel consumption, radiator fan speed and forward speed was 4.24–5.99%, 2.63–4.95%, 2.68–7.20%, 3.78–5.64%, 3.37–4.81% and 3.04–4.97% respectively. The system could measure real-time variations in the field and proved to be an energy- and time-saving device.


Data Logger, Instrumentation System, Perfor-Mance Assessment, Sensors, Tractor Implements.
