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This article describes the radiocarbon analysis of the large Indian banyan (Ficus benghalensis) at Narora, Uttar Pradesh (UP). It was discovered during floristic surveys in the Upper Ganga Ramsar site in UP and ranks as the tenth largest banyan tree in the world with its 4069 sq. m crown spread. The tree has a unique architecture, with just four prop roots supporting the main stem. The oldest sample was found to be 346 ± 40 years bp, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 430 ± 35 cal years. The radiocarbon dating results indicate an age of 450 ± 50 years for the Indian banyan at Narora. This age represents the oldest accurate dating result for the species. Several protection measures are included to ensure the long-term survival of this archaic tree.


Age Determination, Ams Radiocarbon Dating, Ficus benghalensis, Tree Conservation, Upper Ganga Ramsar Site.
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