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Prediction and Attenuation of Ground Vibrations Generated by Moving Trains

1 Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad 201 002, India; CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi 110 025, India., India

The vibration generated by underground trains and the level of vibration attenuated along the propagation path are the keys to designing mitigation measures to avoid adverse effects on the surroundings. The attenuation of vibrational energy due to geometrical and material damping was determined at the Civil Court Godown, Pune Metro, Maharashtra, India, up to 30 m. The seismic cross-hole test was used to determine the dynamic properties of the soil. It was found that the soil stratum was homogeneous and composed of basaltic rock. The total vibration level reaching the receiver was predicted for trains travelling at 80, 250 and 350 km/h, and vibration attenuation measures such as steel mass-spring systems and polyurethane mass-spring systems have been propo­sed.


Mass Spring Systems, Mitigation Measures, Seismic Velocity, Vibration Attenuation.
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  • Prediction and Attenuation of Ground Vibrations Generated by Moving Trains

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Shamsul Bashir
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad 201 002, India; CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi 110 025, India., India
Aamir Rashid Chowdhary
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad 201 002, India; CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi 110 025, India., India
Nasim Akhtar
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad 201 002, India; CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi 110 025, India., India


The vibration generated by underground trains and the level of vibration attenuated along the propagation path are the keys to designing mitigation measures to avoid adverse effects on the surroundings. The attenuation of vibrational energy due to geometrical and material damping was determined at the Civil Court Godown, Pune Metro, Maharashtra, India, up to 30 m. The seismic cross-hole test was used to determine the dynamic properties of the soil. It was found that the soil stratum was homogeneous and composed of basaltic rock. The total vibration level reaching the receiver was predicted for trains travelling at 80, 250 and 350 km/h, and vibration attenuation measures such as steel mass-spring systems and polyurethane mass-spring systems have been propo­sed.


Mass Spring Systems, Mitigation Measures, Seismic Velocity, Vibration Attenuation.
