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Biostimulant: An Innovative Approach for Sustainable Crop Production
Biostimulant is a substance or microorganism, or a combination of both, which stimulates the physiological activities of plants, leading to increased uptake and efficiency of nutrients, crop quality and tolerance to stress related to biotic and abiotic factors. Biostimulant helps optimise crop productivity and enhances the quality of the produce, which help maintain an eco-friendly environment to sustain agricultural production. Various botanical extracts, biochemicals, protein hydrolysates and amino acids, vitamins, cell-tree microbial products, antioxidants, anti-transpirants, humic and fulvic acids, and their derivatives are included under biostimulants. Recently, the fertilizer (inorganic, organic or mixed) Control Amendment Order, 2021, has been passed by the Government of India to promote biostimulants in the country. The Central Biostimulant Committee advises on various matters related to biostimulants. Participation of stakeholders, farmers, researchers, policymakers and regulators is essential to popularize biostimulants for their profitable and sustainable usage. This article focuses on various aspects of biostimulants, including regulatory aspects in India.
Biostimulants, Innovative Approach, Metabolic Enhancers, Regulatory Aspects, Sustainable Crop Production.
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