Accurate estimation of the groundwater budget requires good estimate of flux across the boundary of a region. Different methods and techniques are available to estimate recharge to groundwater however methods for estimation of flux across boundaries are not available. The present article represents a GISbased methodology to estimate the groundwater flow rate and volume of water flux across the boundary. Groundwater level data (pre-monsoon and postmonsoon) are used to derive detailed maps like flow direction, hydraulic gradient and velocity component perpendicular to the boundary. For the study area, the calculated flux through the simplified boundary average 6.63 × 105 m3 for monsoon period, 13.75 × 105 m3 for non-monsoon period and 20.38 × 105 m3 annually. Flux of monsoon period varies from maximum of 11.41 × 105 m3 in 2003 to minimum of 0.83 × 105 m3 in the year 2013 and for annual period it varies from maximum 38.8 × 105 m3 in 2003-04 to minimum -7.94 × 105 m3 in 2012-13.
Darcy’s Law, Geographical Information System, Groundwater Flux, Simplified Boundary.
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