Micro extraction packed sorbent (MEPS) containing C8 and SCX (strong cation exchange) is employed to extract ketamine, a rave drug from fruit juices. The eluant was detected by mass spectral analysis wherein the drug was detected as a parent as well as some prominent fragment ions. The resultant MEPS-MS method proved very efficient and rapid. The mass spectrum of the eluant showed the parent ion peak (MH+) of ketamine at m/z 238 along with (MH2+) peak (30% of MH+) due to chlorine atom in the drug molecule. The daughter ions at m/z 220 and 207 were possible to be formed from the MH+ by loss of water and methylamine molecule respectively. Another daughter ion at m/z 179 was proposed to be formed by the loss of CO (28 mass units) from m/z 207 whereas m/z 125 was assigned to a chlorobenzyl cation. Based on the mode of fragmentation of drug to m/z 220 and 207 and their abundances, these ions can be used for quantitative analysis through selective reaction monitoring (SRM).
Date Rape, Extraction, Juices, Ketamine, Mass Spectrometry, MEPS.
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