Senior High School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Using Mobile Devices
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The objective of this study is to investigate how senior high school students utilize their mobile devices during self-regulated learning in chemistry, what are their attitudes toward mobile devices as a learning tool in chemistry and determine if there is a significant relationship between the frequency of usage of mobile devices as learning tool and academic performance. The research was carried out using researcher-made questionnaire distributed to 162 Grade 12 students who are currently taking up General Chemistry 2 course this second semester of AY 2018-2019. Statistical treatment of data include weighted mean and Pearson’s r. Results revealed that there is no significant relationship between frequency of mobile device usage as a learning tool during self-regulated learning and academic performance in terms of midterm grade in General Chemistry 2 course based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient of -0.057 with a corresponding p value of 0.236.
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