A Complete Survey on Security Issues in E-Mail and Face-Book
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Social Media! This word is making people crazy in the era of internet. Every single person is interested in evolution of social networks. Based on the principle of "six degrees of separation", social network allows each person to be connected to five different people in the network. This provides an atmosphere for social connections thus increasing the intensity of shared information. Be it through LinkedIn for job recruitment and client communication or through Face-book to promote people or through Gmail for multiple applications Social Media has come a long way since its start. Although this seems interesting, it is more prone to misuse and thus it is problematic. This paper brings the wide issues related to social media which may be either through humans or any abrupt inaccurate data. Also various measures to be taken care are discussed. Results shows that the communication-medium either Face-book or E-mail leads to important differences in attack inclination. But to the surprise, the success of Face-book related attacks is higher than that of E-mail.
- Haider M. Al-Mashhadi and Mohammed H. Alabiech A Survey of Email Service; Attacks, Security Methods and Protocols " International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 162 – No 11, March 2017
- G. Shanmugasundaram,S. Preethi, I. Nivedha, "Investigation on Social Media Spam Detection",2017 International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)
- Zinaida Benenson, Anna Girard, Nadina Hintz and Andreas Luder," Susceptibility to URL-based Internet Attacks: Facebook vs. Email”, The Sixth IEEE Workshop on SECurity and SOCial Networking, 2014.

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