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Implementation of Optimised Power Sharing during Heavy Demands Energy Recording Cum Control System

1 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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In our project entitled with "IMPLEMENTATION OF OPTIMISED POWER SHARING DURING HEAVY DEMANDS ENERGY RECORDING CUM CONTROL SYSTEM" we have planned to provide a solution for power cuts during heavy demand in summer season. Since Electricity becomes a basic need of a human life nowadays. So we Engineers, decided to address this problem in a efficient way by using wireless technologies in conjunction with Embedded system. In addition to the above solution, we also record the energy consumption during our daily usage. This system consists of 2 units, namely 1. EB Office unit. 2. Residential unit. The former consist of Microcontroller, Computer, Level converter, RF Transmitter, Receiver and other associated circuits. The Later consists of Microcontroller, LCD module, Buffer, Driver, Relay array, Buzzer, Current transformer, ADC, Signal conditioning unit, RF transmitter and receiver circuits. The information related to power limiting will be sent from the computer at a pre defined interval to the respective area. Based on this information, system will verify the data and activate the load accordingly as 25%- 100%. The RF communication is limited to 10m to avoid interference to other regular service band. If required, GSM communication can be used instead of RF communication. The system will be developed using ATMEL AT89S52 controller using assembly language which is having program memory of 8K bytes. The PC has a Visual Basic interface program which will interact with microcontrollers through RS232 communication protocol. The RF Module frequency is 433MHz. The Buffer and driver circuits are designed to deliver the power required for the relay.


Distributed Generation, Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Energy Delivery System (FRIENDS), Uninterruptible Power Supply.
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  • Implementation of Optimised Power Sharing during Heavy Demands Energy Recording Cum Control System

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S. Vivek
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
G. Saravanakumar
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


In our project entitled with "IMPLEMENTATION OF OPTIMISED POWER SHARING DURING HEAVY DEMANDS ENERGY RECORDING CUM CONTROL SYSTEM" we have planned to provide a solution for power cuts during heavy demand in summer season. Since Electricity becomes a basic need of a human life nowadays. So we Engineers, decided to address this problem in a efficient way by using wireless technologies in conjunction with Embedded system. In addition to the above solution, we also record the energy consumption during our daily usage. This system consists of 2 units, namely 1. EB Office unit. 2. Residential unit. The former consist of Microcontroller, Computer, Level converter, RF Transmitter, Receiver and other associated circuits. The Later consists of Microcontroller, LCD module, Buffer, Driver, Relay array, Buzzer, Current transformer, ADC, Signal conditioning unit, RF transmitter and receiver circuits. The information related to power limiting will be sent from the computer at a pre defined interval to the respective area. Based on this information, system will verify the data and activate the load accordingly as 25%- 100%. The RF communication is limited to 10m to avoid interference to other regular service band. If required, GSM communication can be used instead of RF communication. The system will be developed using ATMEL AT89S52 controller using assembly language which is having program memory of 8K bytes. The PC has a Visual Basic interface program which will interact with microcontrollers through RS232 communication protocol. The RF Module frequency is 433MHz. The Buffer and driver circuits are designed to deliver the power required for the relay.


Distributed Generation, Flexible, Reliable and Intelligent Energy Delivery System (FRIENDS), Uninterruptible Power Supply.
