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A Study on Prioritization of Test Cases during Software Execution Based on the Dependency

1 Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore, India

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Ordering of the Test case is used during execution in order to determine the fault based on the functional dependency. Test case prioritization is used for increasing the rate of fault detection. In this paper, a study on test case prioritization is analysed in term of functional dependencies between the codes during execution of the test cases. In this study, A common strategyfor handling test case dependencies is to group these fine-grained tests with dependencies into coarse-grained tests. The nature of the techniques preserves the dependencies in the test ordering. The hypothesis of this work is that dependencies between tests arerepresentative of interactions in the system under test, and executing complex interactions earlier is likely to increase the fault detection rate.To handle the implication on this study, we propose a Hierarchy Process (AHP) can be considered the reference method among those which are based on the case-based paradigm.


Software Engineering, Test Case Prioritization, Dependency.
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  • A Study on Prioritization of Test Cases during Software Execution Based on the Dependency

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R. Anitha
Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore, India
B. Shanmugapriya
Department of Computer Science, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore, India


Ordering of the Test case is used during execution in order to determine the fault based on the functional dependency. Test case prioritization is used for increasing the rate of fault detection. In this paper, a study on test case prioritization is analysed in term of functional dependencies between the codes during execution of the test cases. In this study, A common strategyfor handling test case dependencies is to group these fine-grained tests with dependencies into coarse-grained tests. The nature of the techniques preserves the dependencies in the test ordering. The hypothesis of this work is that dependencies between tests arerepresentative of interactions in the system under test, and executing complex interactions earlier is likely to increase the fault detection rate.To handle the implication on this study, we propose a Hierarchy Process (AHP) can be considered the reference method among those which are based on the case-based paradigm.


Software Engineering, Test Case Prioritization, Dependency.