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A Proposed Approach for Combining Software Projects Methodologies

1 Helwan University, Egypt
2 Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt
3 Commerce & Business Administration, Helwan University, Egypt

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In software engineering, there are a variety of methodologies or methods for developing and managing software projects. These methodologies can fall under two main categories: agile and classical. There is no methodology that is appropriate for all situations. It is advisable to combine these methodologies to strengthen their throughputs while reducing their weaknesses and limitations. However, the literature has shown that there is a lack of studies that address the problem of combining two or more methodologies to software development and management. In this paper, the researchers propose a systematic approach that shows how to flexibly build new hybrid methodologies based on their metamodels. Metamodeling provides a formal specification that allows for developing tools that support the use of the new hybrid methodology.


Software Development, Software Classical Models, Agile Methodologies, Metamodels, Ontology, Hybrid Software Development Models.
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  • A Proposed Approach for Combining Software Projects Methodologies

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Abelghany Salah Abelghany
Helwan University, Egypt
Nagy Ramadan Darwish
Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt
Yahia Helmy
Commerce & Business Administration, Helwan University, Egypt


In software engineering, there are a variety of methodologies or methods for developing and managing software projects. These methodologies can fall under two main categories: agile and classical. There is no methodology that is appropriate for all situations. It is advisable to combine these methodologies to strengthen their throughputs while reducing their weaknesses and limitations. However, the literature has shown that there is a lack of studies that address the problem of combining two or more methodologies to software development and management. In this paper, the researchers propose a systematic approach that shows how to flexibly build new hybrid methodologies based on their metamodels. Metamodeling provides a formal specification that allows for developing tools that support the use of the new hybrid methodology.


Software Development, Software Classical Models, Agile Methodologies, Metamodels, Ontology, Hybrid Software Development Models.
