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Improving the Conceptual Understanding of Grade 12 Non-Science Students in Selected Topics in Genetics Using Heuristic Approach
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The aim of this study was to improve the conceptual understanding of grade 12 non-science students in selected topics in genetics using heuristic approach. This research was carried out at the General Tiburcio De Leon National High School. GTDLNHS offers non-science classes such as ABM, TVL, HUMMS and GAS in which GAS strand is the only strand offering General Biology as an elective science subject. GAS strand consists of two GAS A and GAS B sections which designated as the control and experimental group. The heuristic approach was used to deliver the lesson for the experimental group and the control group was exposed in the current format of the lesson 7E. Since this was a quasi-experimental research, there was no randomization. The statistical treatment used in this study was the SPSS software version 23. At the onset of the experiment pretest was administered to the both groups. Five statements of the problem and four hypotheses guided the study. The findings of the mean pretest scores for control group are 12.61 and experimental are 12.86. In addition, the value of 0.723 is greater than the a 0.05 level of significance, showing that there is no significant difference between the control and experimental group; it revealed that the two groups were comparable from the beginning of the study. Meanwhile, posttest and learning gain results indicated that there was a significant difference between the mean performance of the control and experimental group at a 0.05 level of significance which seems to suggest that the heuristic approach improve the conceptual understanding of grade 12 non-science students in selected topics in genetics.
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