Exploring the Inter Play between VCT Service Delivery and it’s amongst Primary School Teachers in South-West Ethiopia
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Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is a key entry point for prevention, care and support. However, available evidence indicated the low uptake among primary school teachers in Ethiopia. On the other hand, there are limited studies that explored the major factors influencing utilizations of VCT services.
Method: A qualitative data collection methods was conducted to explore the interplay between VCT service delivery and its utilizations amongst primary school teachers in the study area. A total of twenty VCT counselors, twenty head of health centers, ten hospital managers and sixty public primary school teachers were purposefully sampled and included in the current study.
Results: The study summarized major factors influencing the utilization of VCT services and the interplay between VCT service delivery and its utilization. Factors such inadequacy of waiting area, the lack confidentiality and privacy of the service and stigma and discrimination were explored as the major determining factors for the utilization of VCT service. There is need to create conducive environment to increase of VCT uptake.Keywords
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