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A Theoretical Study of Smart Antenna Technology and Adaptive Array Systems for Speedy Wireless Communication

1 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Father Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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The smart antenna technology is one of the upcoming technologies in the field of wireless communication. The use of smart antennas in wireless systems targets the improved capacity of the system and the increased coverage area. These antennas comprise of multiple antenna arrays with smart signal processing techniques like Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation and then calculate beamforming vectors to track and locate the antenna beam on its target. This paper presents a theoretical study of smart antennas and their use for the performance enhancement of the high-frequency wireless systems. Then, adaptive array-based antenna systems, which one is a more effective approach to detect the mobile target is highlighted and discussed. They provide maximum Received Signal Strength (RSS) of the signal and mitigate any interference if present. There are various factors like cost, complexity, and requirements of the system, to be incorporated while selecting the adaptive array approach for smart antennas. The objective of the paper is to study smart antennas, the recent progress and the development of this technology in order to find out the further scope of research and development in this area.


Smart Antennas, Beam Forming, DOA, Switched Beam, Adaptive Arrays, MIMO etc.
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  • A Theoretical Study of Smart Antenna Technology and Adaptive Array Systems for Speedy Wireless Communication

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Chaitanya Vijaykumar Mahamuni
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Father Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


The smart antenna technology is one of the upcoming technologies in the field of wireless communication. The use of smart antennas in wireless systems targets the improved capacity of the system and the increased coverage area. These antennas comprise of multiple antenna arrays with smart signal processing techniques like Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation and then calculate beamforming vectors to track and locate the antenna beam on its target. This paper presents a theoretical study of smart antennas and their use for the performance enhancement of the high-frequency wireless systems. Then, adaptive array-based antenna systems, which one is a more effective approach to detect the mobile target is highlighted and discussed. They provide maximum Received Signal Strength (RSS) of the signal and mitigate any interference if present. There are various factors like cost, complexity, and requirements of the system, to be incorporated while selecting the adaptive array approach for smart antennas. The objective of the paper is to study smart antennas, the recent progress and the development of this technology in order to find out the further scope of research and development in this area.


Smart Antennas, Beam Forming, DOA, Switched Beam, Adaptive Arrays, MIMO etc.
