Reduced Routing Overhead in Mobile Adhoc Networks Using HCH Algorithm
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In this paper proposed new routing algorithm name Hidden Cluster Head (HCH) selection for improve route stability in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET). These proposed algorithm executes high potential score cluster head node. First HCH select Primary Cluster Head (PCH) node is based on the combination of node mobility, node bandwidth, node energy, and node link quality. Second select secondary cluster head (HCH), next high potential score node compare to all other its neighbor when PCH go for threshold to handover the routing process. First threshold is warning for search the hidden cluster head selection at the time of less than 20% transmission power. Second threshold primary cluster head is handover the routing process to hidden cluster head at the time of less than 15% transmission power. The same procedure will execute hop1, hop2 and so on until reach the destination. This proposed HCH algorithm provides better performance compare to existing cluster algorithms (Single Cluster Head (SCH), Double Cluster Head (DCH), Load Balancing Clustering (LBC), and Weighted Cluster Algorithm (WCA) and also reduced routing Overhead with mobility, transmission range, number of node is increased.
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