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Employer Branding and Employee Engagement Influencing Psychological Attachment

1 Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, India

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Present paper aimed to examine the role of employer branding and employee engagement in influencing the level of psychological attachment among the employee. Guiding theories underlying the present study are social exchange theory (Eisenberger et al., 1997) and the psychological contract theory (Miller, 2001; Rousseau, 1995; Robinson & Rousseau, 1994). Keeping in mind the cost-effective and strategic approach based on general HRM/OB/HRD principles in creating the positive work attitude among the workforce. The present study had investigated the underlying assumption, that high level of engagement and perceived employer branding by the employees' is responsible for, fostering the psychological attachment among employees. This study was conducted by critical review of previous survey results and of literature incorporating (corporate branding, internal branding, employee engagement, psychological attachment, human resource management & employee retention) in terms of their implications for the proposed framework i.e. employee engagement and employer branding is positively associated with psychological attachment. After exploring and critical review of literature incorporating psychological attachment, employer branding, and employee engagement it is found that although much research has been conducted in all areas, few studies have explicitly worked on psychological attachment and its relationship with perceived employer branding and employee engagement. The framework established in the study opens the doors of further investigation into other factors that seem to contribute in building psychological attachment.


Employer Branding, Employee Engagement, Psychological Attachment.
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  • Employer Branding and Employee Engagement Influencing Psychological Attachment

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Kamlesh Kumar Maurya
Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, India


Present paper aimed to examine the role of employer branding and employee engagement in influencing the level of psychological attachment among the employee. Guiding theories underlying the present study are social exchange theory (Eisenberger et al., 1997) and the psychological contract theory (Miller, 2001; Rousseau, 1995; Robinson & Rousseau, 1994). Keeping in mind the cost-effective and strategic approach based on general HRM/OB/HRD principles in creating the positive work attitude among the workforce. The present study had investigated the underlying assumption, that high level of engagement and perceived employer branding by the employees' is responsible for, fostering the psychological attachment among employees. This study was conducted by critical review of previous survey results and of literature incorporating (corporate branding, internal branding, employee engagement, psychological attachment, human resource management & employee retention) in terms of their implications for the proposed framework i.e. employee engagement and employer branding is positively associated with psychological attachment. After exploring and critical review of literature incorporating psychological attachment, employer branding, and employee engagement it is found that although much research has been conducted in all areas, few studies have explicitly worked on psychological attachment and its relationship with perceived employer branding and employee engagement. The framework established in the study opens the doors of further investigation into other factors that seem to contribute in building psychological attachment.


Employer Branding, Employee Engagement, Psychological Attachment.
