Assessment of Farmer's Attitude and Knowledge towards the Adoption of Vermicompost in Jind District, Haryana
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In this era of globalisation, it is very vital for Indian farmers to produce higher production within minimum cost by emphasizes the need to educate farmers for adopting improved technology. Vermicompost is superior among the most efficient methods for recycling organic waste as with the hefty use of fertilizers, the fertile lands were affected and as a result humans were immensely affected. It is an eco-friendly easy technology for handling biodegradable waste and encourage efficient recycling of biomass even generates income and employment for the rural poor is being promoted as a prudent option. The present study was conducted to Assess the Farmer's Attitude and Knowledge, Factors Influencing and Constraints faced by them in the adoption of Vermicompost in Jind district, Haryana. The findings of the study exhibited that the majority of farmers (82% & above) agreed that the use of vermicompost decreases the use of fertilizers, it also reduces the environmental pollution and improve the quality & quantity of output. Further validity and reliability of a questionnaire has been tested using Cronbach's alpha method. The factor analysis with 12 observed variables summarized in terms of three imperative factors with Cronbach alpha values .845, .836 and .674. Cronbach alpha for all the factors is greater than 0.6, hence questionnaire is reliable and strength of factor 1 is more with higher value of Cronbach alpha. The study has specified that majority of farmers (84%) were having moderate level of knowledge and a favorable attitude towards vermicompost technology. In addition, major constraints noted were- the non-availability of worms in nearby market, high temperature during summers and lack of knowledge about preparation of vermicompost. As a whole, the findings of the study concluded that food safety, better plant quality, environmental safety, nutrition content & improve soil aeration are effective variables with high factor loading. Vermicomposting technology is highly beneficial and helps in improving the economic status of the manufacturers and farmers. To remove constraints and for hastening the use of vermicompost, it is essential to train farmers, every stakeholder including farmers, governmental functionaries and non-governmental organizations should focus and organized efforts need to be taken to remove the constraints.
Vermicompost, Assessment, Reliability, Factor Analysis, Farmer's Attitude and Knowledge, Constraints
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