Information-Flow Analysis of Design Breaks Up
Traditional interpreted data-flow analysis is executed on whole plans; however, such whole-program psychoanalysis is not executable for large or uncompleted plans. We suggest fragment data-flow analysis as a substitute approach which calculates data-flow information for a particular program fragment. The psychoanalysis is parameterized by the extra information available about the rest of the program. We depict two frameworks for interracial flow-sensitive fragment psychoanalysis, the relationship amongst fragment psychoanalysis and whole-program analysis, and the necessities ensuring fragment analysis safety and feasibility. We suggest an application of fragment analysis as a second analysis phase after a cheap flow-insensitive whole-program analysis, in order to obtain better data for important program fragments. We also depict the design of two fragment analyses derived from an already existing whole-program flow- and context-sensitive pointer alias analysis for Computer program and present empirical rating of their cost and precision. Our experiments show evidence of dramatic improves precision gettable at a practical cost.
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