User Authentication Using Image Processing Techniques
Conventional password transformation plot for client authentication in order to provide access to the system is to change password into some form of hash esteems. These secret word plans are nearly straightforward as well as quick in light of the fact that those depend on content and famed cryptography. In any case, those can be presented to digital assaults using secret key by cracking device or hash-breaking on the web locales. Assailants can altogether make sense of a unique secret word from hash esteem if it is generally basic and clear. Therefore, numerous hacking mishaps are happening transcendentally in frameworks receiving these hash oriented plans. This project recommends an upgraded secret word preparing plan in view of picture utilizing visual cryptography (VC). Not the same as the customary plan in light of hash and content, the proposed system changes a client identification word of plain text type into 2 pictures encoded by Visual Cryptography. The server just saves client identification word and one of the pictures rather than secret key. At the point when the client sign in and upload the other picture, then server extracts client identification word by using OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Thus, it confirms client through contrasting extricated ID and spared one. This proposed system has bring down calculation, counteracts digital assault went for hash splitting, and underpins confirmation not to uncover individual data, for example, ID to assailants.
Visual Cryptography, User Authentication, Password Processing, Hash, OCR, Multimedia.
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