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Sentimental Analysis for Social Media–A Review

1 Department of Computer Engineering, NPA Polytechnic College, Kotagiri- 643217, India
2 Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet-642126, India

In recent times, Social media has emerged as a personal communication media, as well as, a media to convey reviews about items and benefits or even political and general occasions among its clients. By using web and the web 2.0 the information in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are easily retrieved. Because of its use across the board and prevalence, there is a monstrous measure of client surveys or feelings delivered and shared day by day. Mining client sentiments from Social Media is definitely not a straight forward assignment; it can be proficient in various ways. Gathering client sentiments can be costly and tedious assignment utilizing traditional strategies. This paper examines the challenges in doing sentimental analysis for Social Media.


Data Mining, Internet, Social Media, Sentimental Analysis, Opinion Mining.
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  • Sentimental Analysis for Social Media–A Review

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R. Mahalakshmi
Department of Computer Engineering, NPA Polytechnic College, Kotagiri- 643217, India
M. Nandhini
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet-642126, India
G. Kowsalya
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet-642126, India


In recent times, Social media has emerged as a personal communication media, as well as, a media to convey reviews about items and benefits or even political and general occasions among its clients. By using web and the web 2.0 the information in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are easily retrieved. Because of its use across the board and prevalence, there is a monstrous measure of client surveys or feelings delivered and shared day by day. Mining client sentiments from Social Media is definitely not a straight forward assignment; it can be proficient in various ways. Gathering client sentiments can be costly and tedious assignment utilizing traditional strategies. This paper examines the challenges in doing sentimental analysis for Social Media.


Data Mining, Internet, Social Media, Sentimental Analysis, Opinion Mining.
