Research on Influencing Factors of Garment Commodity Bad Reviews Based on LDA Theme Model
The rise of e-commerce platform makes more consumers buy clothing goods online. However, due to the specific transaction process of online shopping, consumers are prone to generate various complaints and dissatisfaction, and thus conduct negative comments. Therefore, it is of great significance for apparel e-commerce to improve the quality of goods and services and improve user satisfaction to find out the reasons for consumers' dissatisfaction with clothing products from a large number of bad reviews. The article takes the poor evaluation data of affordable clothing brands and luxury clothing brands on the JD platform as the research object, conducts word frequency statistics and LDA theme model analysis on the poorly reviewed texts, and believes that the main factors affecting the poor evaluation of clothing products are Commodity Quality, Customer Service, Merchant Integrity, and Logistics Speed. In addition, by comparing and analyzing the difference evaluation data of the two types of clothing brands, it can be found that the most important influencing factor of affordable clothing brands is Commodity Quality, while the most important factor of the difference evaluation of luxury clothing brands is Customer Service.
Bad Reviews, Influencing Factors, Text Mining, Lda Topic Model.
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