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An Efficient Data Protection for Cloud Storage Through Encryption

1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Achievers University Owo, Nigeria., Nigeria

Encryption of data pose data confidentiality, availability and integrity by eliminating all data leakage possibilities which is done by converting data into a cipher text that cannot be understood by unauthorized users through the use of a mathematical function called key. This research developed a secure system used for encryption and decryption process on the data supplied before such data is stored on the cloud storage system. The model used in developing the secure system is 256-bit key encryption and adopts the Base64 character encoding scheme rather than the widely used ASCII standard. Variations of data supplied to the proposed secure system were from several multimedia data (such as video, audio, text, and image) and other types. The model performance was tested and evaluated by brute-force attack and program execution time. The implementation was done using Python programming language and Google Drive as the cloud storage and the encrypted data is supported by the cloud storage system. The adopted model creates a better and efficient mechanism for data supplied by encoding the key to be used for encryption in base64. It gives a better security technique with lesser computational time.


AES-256, Base64, Cloud storage, Cryptography, Google cloud.
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  • An Efficient Data Protection for Cloud Storage Through Encryption

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Adepoju E. Sunday
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Achievers University Owo, Nigeria., Nigeria
Oyekanmi E. Olufunminiyi
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Achievers University Owo, Nigeria., Nigeria


Encryption of data pose data confidentiality, availability and integrity by eliminating all data leakage possibilities which is done by converting data into a cipher text that cannot be understood by unauthorized users through the use of a mathematical function called key. This research developed a secure system used for encryption and decryption process on the data supplied before such data is stored on the cloud storage system. The model used in developing the secure system is 256-bit key encryption and adopts the Base64 character encoding scheme rather than the widely used ASCII standard. Variations of data supplied to the proposed secure system were from several multimedia data (such as video, audio, text, and image) and other types. The model performance was tested and evaluated by brute-force attack and program execution time. The implementation was done using Python programming language and Google Drive as the cloud storage and the encrypted data is supported by the cloud storage system. The adopted model creates a better and efficient mechanism for data supplied by encoding the key to be used for encryption in base64. It gives a better security technique with lesser computational time.


AES-256, Base64, Cloud storage, Cryptography, Google cloud.
