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Exploring the Benefits of Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Drone Navigation and Control

1 Department of Computer Science, New Mexico Tech, United States

Drones are now used in a wide range of industries, including delivery services and agriculture. Notwithstanding, controlling robots in powerful conditions can be testing, particularly while performing complex assignments. Conventional strategies for drone mechanization depend on pre-customized directions, restricting their adaptability and versatility. Drones can learn from their interactions with their environment and improve their performance over time with the help of reinforcement learning (RL), which has emerged as a promising method for drone automation in recent years. This paper looks at how RL can be used to automate drones and how it can be used in different industries. In addition, the difficulties of RL-based drone automation and potential directions for future research are discussed in the paper.


Reinforcement Learning, Drone Automation, Machine Learning, Navigation, Obstacle Avoidance, Object Tracking, Safety, Reliability, Training Data, Dynamic Environments, Decision-Making.
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  • Exploring the Benefits of Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Drone Navigation and Control

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Ahshanul Haque
Department of Computer Science, New Mexico Tech, United States
Md Naseef-Ur-Rahman Chowdhury
Department of Computer Science, New Mexico Tech, United States
Mohammad Sahinur Hossen
Department of Computer Science, New Mexico Tech, United States


Drones are now used in a wide range of industries, including delivery services and agriculture. Notwithstanding, controlling robots in powerful conditions can be testing, particularly while performing complex assignments. Conventional strategies for drone mechanization depend on pre-customized directions, restricting their adaptability and versatility. Drones can learn from their interactions with their environment and improve their performance over time with the help of reinforcement learning (RL), which has emerged as a promising method for drone automation in recent years. This paper looks at how RL can be used to automate drones and how it can be used in different industries. In addition, the difficulties of RL-based drone automation and potential directions for future research are discussed in the paper.


Reinforcement Learning, Drone Automation, Machine Learning, Navigation, Obstacle Avoidance, Object Tracking, Safety, Reliability, Training Data, Dynamic Environments, Decision-Making.
