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Lucid Firefly Based Routing Protocol (LFRP) for Accessing Big Data in Cloud

1 Department of Computer Applications, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
2 Department of Computer Science, Government Arts & Science College, Avinashi, Tirupur, India

Minimizing energy consumption is a significant issue in cloud computing. Nodes present in cloud computing are heterogeneous in nature. Traditional routing protocols fit best for homogenous networks and while using in heterogeneous network it will never give its better performance. Accessing big data in cloud is a challenging task because more stable route is necessary for the access of big data. Routes failures are unexpected and if a route gets failed in cloud computing while accessing big data, then it will affect the network performance drastically. In this paper, Lucid Firefly based Routing Protocol (LFRP) is proposed to identify the optimized route to access the big data and to minimize the energy consumption. LFRP utilizes the natural characteristics of firefly to identify the best route and to share the identified best route with others. LFRP finds the route based on the size of data where the fitness function plays a major role in identifying the best route. The simulation results make an indication that the proposed routing protocol LFRP has consumed less amount of energy i.e., 3.95J in accessing the big data than other routing protocols which makes an indication that the routing protocol has found the better route to destination which faces low delay (65ms) and packet delivery ratio as 94.20%.


Big Data, Cloud Computing, Energy, Firefly, Lifetime, Network, Routing.
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  • Lucid Firefly Based Routing Protocol (LFRP) for Accessing Big Data in Cloud

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S. A. Gunasekaran
Department of Computer Applications, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
M. Senthilkumar
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts & Science College, Avinashi, Tirupur, India


Minimizing energy consumption is a significant issue in cloud computing. Nodes present in cloud computing are heterogeneous in nature. Traditional routing protocols fit best for homogenous networks and while using in heterogeneous network it will never give its better performance. Accessing big data in cloud is a challenging task because more stable route is necessary for the access of big data. Routes failures are unexpected and if a route gets failed in cloud computing while accessing big data, then it will affect the network performance drastically. In this paper, Lucid Firefly based Routing Protocol (LFRP) is proposed to identify the optimized route to access the big data and to minimize the energy consumption. LFRP utilizes the natural characteristics of firefly to identify the best route and to share the identified best route with others. LFRP finds the route based on the size of data where the fitness function plays a major role in identifying the best route. The simulation results make an indication that the proposed routing protocol LFRP has consumed less amount of energy i.e., 3.95J in accessing the big data than other routing protocols which makes an indication that the routing protocol has found the better route to destination which faces low delay (65ms) and packet delivery ratio as 94.20%.


Big Data, Cloud Computing, Energy, Firefly, Lifetime, Network, Routing.
