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Query Aware Routing Protocol for Mobility Enabled Wireless Sensor Network

1 Department of Computer Science, Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Department of Computing, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
3 Department of Computer Science, VLB Janakiammal College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Mobility Enabled Wireless Sensor Network (MEWSN) plays a significant role in different fields including environmental control, traffic control and healthcare. The performance of MEWSN is dependent not only on sensing but also on routing. Multiple research works are carried out by different researchers in the domain of routing in MEWSN, but still the performance of MEWSN gets lacked. Poor routing is the ischolar_main cause for the performance degradation of MEWSN. In this paper, a new routing protocol namely Query Aware Routing Protocol (QARP) is proposed to balance the load in MEWSN to prevent congestion and exhausted power utilization. Normal routing protocols either seek to match load or route, but both are considered in QARP. Also, identified routes are classified based on an enhanced relevant vector machine classification algorithm which assists in minimizing the delay and energy consumption. Using NS2, QARP is evaluated against previous routing protocols with standard performance metrics namely throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and energy consumption. The packet delivery ratio achieved by QARP is 92.6%, where the existing routing protocols IFLIP and PARP has achieved 62.8% and 75.4% respectively.


WSN, MEWSN, Routing, Query, Load, Congestion.
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  • Query Aware Routing Protocol for Mobility Enabled Wireless Sensor Network

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M. Lingaraj
Department of Computer Science, Sankara College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
T. N. Sugumar
Department of Computing, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
C. Stanly Felix
Department of Computing, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
J. Ramkumar
Department of Computer Science, VLB Janakiammal College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Mobility Enabled Wireless Sensor Network (MEWSN) plays a significant role in different fields including environmental control, traffic control and healthcare. The performance of MEWSN is dependent not only on sensing but also on routing. Multiple research works are carried out by different researchers in the domain of routing in MEWSN, but still the performance of MEWSN gets lacked. Poor routing is the ischolar_main cause for the performance degradation of MEWSN. In this paper, a new routing protocol namely Query Aware Routing Protocol (QARP) is proposed to balance the load in MEWSN to prevent congestion and exhausted power utilization. Normal routing protocols either seek to match load or route, but both are considered in QARP. Also, identified routes are classified based on an enhanced relevant vector machine classification algorithm which assists in minimizing the delay and energy consumption. Using NS2, QARP is evaluated against previous routing protocols with standard performance metrics namely throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and energy consumption. The packet delivery ratio achieved by QARP is 92.6%, where the existing routing protocols IFLIP and PARP has achieved 62.8% and 75.4% respectively.


WSN, MEWSN, Routing, Query, Load, Congestion.
