Real Time Two Hop Neighbour Strategic Secure Routing with Attribute Specific Blockchain Encryption Scheme for Improved Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is most vulnerable to routing attacks which affects the confidentiality and integrity services of the data transmitted between any nodes. Many research efforts have been taken to propose secure routing schemes for improving the data security against routing attacks in WSN. The existing secure routing schemes are not able to dynamically discover the trust path between nodes for ensuring secure transmission without compromising confidentiality and integrity service. To address this issue, a real-time, two-hop neighbour, strategically secure routing scheme is proposed in this paper. According to the strategy of two-hop neighbours, the method selects the forwarding node according to the trust measures computed based on trust energy support and trust forwarding support of the two hop nodes. Further, the data security is enforced at the attribute level. The Blockchain mechanism is enforced where a single block contains information of specific attribute of data which restrict the user who have access to the attribute only can read the data present in the block. The data encryption is performed according to different encryption standards maintained by the system, unique for different attributes. According to the Hash code present in the Blockchain, the user can decode the key and scheme to obtain the original data. The proposed approach improves the performance in secure routing and increases the data security performance.
WSN, Data Security, Secure Routing, Two Hop Neighbour Strategy, Blockchain, QoS.
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