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Efficient Multipath Zone-Based Routing in MANET Using (TID-ZMGR) Ticked-ID Based Zone Manager
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is an infrastructure-less network, which is self-organizing, self-configuring and dynamic. The traditional routing protocol is not efficient against the routing challenges. The traditional MANET routing mechanisms involve overhearing, retransmission, and idle listening, which consume high energy. The main obstacles for MANET are end-to-end delay, energy consumption, and packet collision problems. The enhancement of network lifetime and communication performance is still a challenging task. This paper proposes a Ticket-ID zone manager routing protocol (TID-ZMGR) with sleep scheduling for MANETS. The proposed system consists of a zone routing system that is effective in load balancing and energy-efficient. In the proposed approach, nodes in the network are grouped as zones with a zone leader (ZL). The ZL is the node with higher efficiency in terms of energy, link quality, connectivity, and distances. The TID-ZMGR follows a multipath mechanism for balancing the load, and traffic is controlled by distributing the path from source to destination. The implementation of an adaptive sleep duty cycling approach ensures error-free communication around the network. Additionally, the adaptive sleep duty cycling approach increases the overall accuracy by saving the power on border nodes. The efficiency of the proposed work is proved by the comparison work carried out between Ticket-ID Based Routing management system (TID-BRM) Zone-based Routing with Parallel Collision Guided Broadcasting Protocol (ZCG) and Distance aware Zone Routing Protocol (DZRP) with TID-ZMGR. Experimental work evaluation metrics are zonal leader changes, energy consumptions, and network lifetime. Simulation result shows proposed mechanism achieves minimum energy consumption with improved output on throughput and packet delivery ratio.
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