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Erudite Fish Swarm Optimization Based Routing Protocol to Maximize Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime

1 Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Regional Joint Directorate of Collegiate Education, Madurai Region, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are an influential network form that comprises remote nodes having sensing, processing, and communication capabilities. WSN is a unique ad-hoc network with a wireless telecommunications infrastructure that effectively supports, observes, and responds to natural and artificial events. It is impossible to employ the ad-hoc network routing methods in sensor networks since they are not scalable. WSN relies on the routing protocol to get data from sensors to their final destination in a timely way. If the routing protocol fails to work, then it is expected that a significant amount of time and effort will be spent finding the most efficient route, increasing the likelihood that the worst possible option will be selected. Because of this, WSN routing protocols must include the concept of "erudite" features, which refers to a high degree of sensing of the nodes around them to determine the optimum path. Fish swarm optimization is the basis of the new WSN routing protocol proposed in this paper, namely the Erudite Fish Swarm Optimization Based Routing Protocol (EFSORP). In EFSORP, nodes are treated as fishes. Nodes having prior knowledge about routes are selected at random. Foraging, following, swarming, and random movement is four of the most common behaviors of fishes while seeking food. These behaviors are mimicked to identify the best routes in WSN. EFSORP’s performance is evaluated in NS3. A wide range of necessary computer network performance measures are used to assess EFSORP against existing routing protocols. EFSORP's results show that it outperforms the current routing protocols on all measures.


Routing, WSN, Energy, Delay, Fish, Optimization.
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  • Erudite Fish Swarm Optimization Based Routing Protocol to Maximize Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime

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A. Balasubramanian
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
P. Ponmuthuramalingam
Regional Joint Directorate of Collegiate Education, Madurai Region, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are an influential network form that comprises remote nodes having sensing, processing, and communication capabilities. WSN is a unique ad-hoc network with a wireless telecommunications infrastructure that effectively supports, observes, and responds to natural and artificial events. It is impossible to employ the ad-hoc network routing methods in sensor networks since they are not scalable. WSN relies on the routing protocol to get data from sensors to their final destination in a timely way. If the routing protocol fails to work, then it is expected that a significant amount of time and effort will be spent finding the most efficient route, increasing the likelihood that the worst possible option will be selected. Because of this, WSN routing protocols must include the concept of "erudite" features, which refers to a high degree of sensing of the nodes around them to determine the optimum path. Fish swarm optimization is the basis of the new WSN routing protocol proposed in this paper, namely the Erudite Fish Swarm Optimization Based Routing Protocol (EFSORP). In EFSORP, nodes are treated as fishes. Nodes having prior knowledge about routes are selected at random. Foraging, following, swarming, and random movement is four of the most common behaviors of fishes while seeking food. These behaviors are mimicked to identify the best routes in WSN. EFSORP’s performance is evaluated in NS3. A wide range of necessary computer network performance measures are used to assess EFSORP against existing routing protocols. EFSORP's results show that it outperforms the current routing protocols on all measures.


Routing, WSN, Energy, Delay, Fish, Optimization.
