Reliable Network Formation Using New Approach of Daemon Service Installation in Handheld Devices for Post-Disaster Search and Rescue
Post-disaster timely search and rescue can save huge amount of lives but often it is observed that due to absence of reliable and running network rescue operation can’t be performed efficiently. In search of handling the challenge handheld mobile devices with ability to form ad hoc network is explored through the means of proposed model to form a reliable network with resources available in-situ both in case of no-network connectivity or fully collapsed infrastructure connectivity to give post-disaster coverage. To achieve the motivation discussed above the paper proposes following contributions: (i) a new approach for remotely carrying out reliable configuration of mobile devices over-the-air to form a rapid infrastructure-less network for post-disaster information exchange through proposed daemon service. (ii) a newer technique where by using the mobile devices of the victim getting the location, SOS and other critical information of the incapacitated or unattainable victims for carrying out rescue information by connecting to the reliable network formed over-the-air using handheld devices. The proposed approaches is tested and validated via simulation and test bed for its network performance and reliability parameters and found more than 20% reliability improvement and over 15% network performance improvement against next best related compared works.
Ad Hoc Network, Post-Disaster Communication, Smartphone, Multi-Hop Networking, Reliability, Infrastructure-Less Network.
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