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Requirement Analysis, Architectural Design and Formal Verification of a Multi-Agent Based University Information Management System

1 Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
2 Karakoram International University 15100-Gilgit-Biltastan, Pakistan

This paper presents an approach based on the analysis, design, and formal verification of a multi-agent based university Information Management System (IMS). University IMS accesses information, creates reports and facilitates teachers as well as students. An orchestrator agent manages the coordination between all agents. It also manages the database connectivity for the whole system. The proposed IMS is based on BDI agent architecture, which models the system based on belief, desire, and intentions. The correctness properties of safety and liveness are specified by First-order predicate logic.


Information Management System (IMS), Multi-Agent system, Architectural Design, Formal Verification, BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) Agent Model, First-Order Predicate Logic.
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  • Requirement Analysis, Architectural Design and Formal Verification of a Multi-Agent Based University Information Management System

Abstract Views: 392  |  PDF Views: 187


Nadeem Akhtar
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Aisha Shafique Ghori
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Nadeem Salamat
Karakoram International University 15100-Gilgit-Biltastan, Pakistan


This paper presents an approach based on the analysis, design, and formal verification of a multi-agent based university Information Management System (IMS). University IMS accesses information, creates reports and facilitates teachers as well as students. An orchestrator agent manages the coordination between all agents. It also manages the database connectivity for the whole system. The proposed IMS is based on BDI agent architecture, which models the system based on belief, desire, and intentions. The correctness properties of safety and liveness are specified by First-order predicate logic.


Information Management System (IMS), Multi-Agent system, Architectural Design, Formal Verification, BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) Agent Model, First-Order Predicate Logic.