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Multi-Path Route Determination Method for Network Load Balancing in Fap-Based WSNS Using Fuzzy Logic

1 College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
2 College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

A flooding attack in wireless sensor networks is a type of threat that shortens the lifetimes of the sensor networks. Although flooding attack prevention techniques have been proposed, if a continuous flooding attack occurs, the sensor node energy is depleted during detection. In this paper, we use multi-path routing to solve this problem. In order to balance the load of the sensor node, energy balancing of the sensor node is controlled by determining the number of pathways using fuzzy logic. By adjusting the energy balancing of the sensor nodes, the number of energy-exhausting sensor nodes can be reduced. As a result, when a flooding attack occurs, the energy efficiency of the sensor node is increased by determining the number of pathways.


Wireless Sensor Network, Multi-Path Routing, Fuzzy Logic, Flooding Attack Prevention, Network Load Balancing.
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Abstract Views: 413

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  • Multi-Path Route Determination Method for Network Load Balancing in Fap-Based WSNS Using Fuzzy Logic

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Won-Jin Chung
College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Tea-Ho Cho
College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of


A flooding attack in wireless sensor networks is a type of threat that shortens the lifetimes of the sensor networks. Although flooding attack prevention techniques have been proposed, if a continuous flooding attack occurs, the sensor node energy is depleted during detection. In this paper, we use multi-path routing to solve this problem. In order to balance the load of the sensor node, energy balancing of the sensor node is controlled by determining the number of pathways using fuzzy logic. By adjusting the energy balancing of the sensor nodes, the number of energy-exhausting sensor nodes can be reduced. As a result, when a flooding attack occurs, the energy efficiency of the sensor node is increased by determining the number of pathways.


Wireless Sensor Network, Multi-Path Routing, Fuzzy Logic, Flooding Attack Prevention, Network Load Balancing.
