To share the huge amount of heterogeneous information to the large-scale of heterogeneous users, the Internet on the computing level should be reconstructed since such a crucial infrastructure was designed without proper understandings. To upgrade, it must consist of five layers from the bottom to the top, including the routing, the multicasting, the persisting, the presenting and the humans. The routing layer is responsible for establishing the fundamental substrate and finding resources in accordance with social disciplines. The multicasting layer disseminates data in a high performance and low cost way based on the routing. The persisting layer provides the services of storing and accessing persistent data efficiently with the minimum dedicated resources. The presenting layer absorbs users’ interactions to guide the adjustments of the underlying layers other than shows connected local views to users. Completely different from the lower software layers, the topmost one is made up totally with humans, i.e., users, including individual persons or organizations, which are social capital dominating the Internet. Additionally, within the upgraded infrastructure, besides the situation that a lower layer supports its immediate upper one only, the humans layer influences the lower ones in terms of transferring its social resources to them. That is different from any other traditional layer-based systems. Those resources lead to adaptations and adjustments of all of the software layers since each of them needs to follow social rules. Eventually, the updated underlying layers return latest consequences to users upon those modifications.
Social Computing, World Wide Web, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Software Architecture, Social Network Services, Information Sharing, Routing.
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