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MatBase is an intelligent prototype data and knowledge base management system based on the Relational (RDM), Entity-Relationship, and (Elementary) Mathematical ((E)MDM) Data Models, built upon Relation-al Database Management Systems (RDBMS). ((E)MDM) has 61 constraint types, out of which21 apply to autofunctions as well. All five relational (RDM) constraint types are passed by MatBase for enforcement to the corresponding RDBMS host. All non-relational ones are enforced by MatBase through automatically generated code. This paper presents and discusses both the strategy and the implementation of MatBase autofunction non-relational constraints enforcement algorithms. These algorithms are taught to our M.Sc. students within the Advanced Databases lectures and labs, both at the Ovidius University and at the De-partment of Engineering in Foreign Languages, Computer Science Taught in English Stream of the Bucha-rest Polytechnic University, as well as successfully used by two Romanian software companies.


Intelligent Systems, Data Modeling, Database Constraints Theory, Relational Constraints, Non-Relational Con-Straints, Integrity Checking, Data Structures And Algorithms for Data Management, Triggers and Rules, Business Rules, (Elementary) Mathematical Data Model, Matbase, Automatic Code Generation.
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