A Proposed Novel Architecture of Ec Control System Using IEEE 802.11n Network at ITER-India Gyrotron Test Facility
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IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi networks are increasingly becoming popular for its use in industrial applications. With the availability of recent amendments to IEEE 802.11 series of standards, particularly IEEE 802.11n, the adoption of Wi-Fi networks for process automation is gaining more focus and importance. The installation of Wireless networks naturally provides reduction in cable and its maintenance related costs, provides increased flexibility and mobility to enhance performance of industrial control system. The IEEE 802.11n supports parameterization that can be set for particular industrial applications and hence it has addressed to the aspects of timeliness and criticality to some extent. This paper proposes the use of IEEE 802.11n network to interconnect field instruments with Siemens PLC controller in harsh EMI/EMC environment. An application example is shown where the alternate control system architecture is developed in which non-critical and non-safety signals are communicated over Wi-Fi. While, for critical and safety signals, traditional hardwired signals methods can be implemented.
PLC, Wireless Neworks, IEEE 802.11n, Industrial Communication, Gyrotron, ECH & CD, Control System.
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