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Analysis of Link Utilization Using Traffic Engineering Technique in Data Center Network

1 Department of Business Administration and Information Systems, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia

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Data center networks are driven by intensive application like data mining, web searching and cloud computing. Nowadays, topologies in data center networks applied multi-ischolar_mained tree like Canonical Tree, and Fat-Tree. In multipath routing Equal cost multiple path (ECMP) forwarding is used in most of the current data center networks. However, it fails to increased path diversity. Modified data centric routing (DCR) algorithm in a data center environment based on the topologies such as canonical and fat-tree to increase the path diversity over unequal cost link. In proposed new algorithm to increase the link utilization ,efficient load balancing and the effects of increased packet reordering on application performance with MTCP and Packet scatter, can further reduce MLU, increase link utilization through DCR routing and better load balancing, finally increase the overall network performance.


Data Center Routing, Data Center Topology, Multipath Routing, Traffic Engineering.
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  • Analysis of Link Utilization Using Traffic Engineering Technique in Data Center Network

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S. Rajanarayanan
Department of Business Administration and Information Systems, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia


Data center networks are driven by intensive application like data mining, web searching and cloud computing. Nowadays, topologies in data center networks applied multi-ischolar_mained tree like Canonical Tree, and Fat-Tree. In multipath routing Equal cost multiple path (ECMP) forwarding is used in most of the current data center networks. However, it fails to increased path diversity. Modified data centric routing (DCR) algorithm in a data center environment based on the topologies such as canonical and fat-tree to increase the path diversity over unequal cost link. In proposed new algorithm to increase the link utilization ,efficient load balancing and the effects of increased packet reordering on application performance with MTCP and Packet scatter, can further reduce MLU, increase link utilization through DCR routing and better load balancing, finally increase the overall network performance.


Data Center Routing, Data Center Topology, Multipath Routing, Traffic Engineering.
