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A Literature Survey on Various Illumination Normalization Techniques for Face Recognition with Fuzzy K Nearest Neighbour Classifier

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCT College of Engineering, India

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The face recognition is popular in video surveillance, social networks and criminal identifications nowadays. The performance of face recognition would be affected by variations in illumination, pose, aging and partial occlusion of face by Wearing Hats, scarves and glasses etc. The illumination variations are still the challenging problem in face recognition. The aim is to compare the various illumination normalization techniques. The illumination normalization techniques include: Log transformations, Power Law transformations, Histogram equalization, Adaptive histogram equalization, Contrast stretching, Retinex, Multi scale Retinex, Difference of Gaussian, DCT, DCT Normalization, DWT, Gradient face, Self Quotient, Multi scale Self Quotient and Homomorphic filter. The proposed work consists of three steps. First step is to preprocess the face image with the above illumination normalization techniques; second step is to create the train and test database from the preprocessed face images and third step is to recognize the face images using Fuzzy K nearest neighbor classifier. The face recognition accuracy of all preprocessing techniques is compared using the AR face database of color images.


Illumination Normalization, Contrast Stretching, Power Law, Homomorphic Filter, Log Transformations, FKNN Classifier.
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  • A Literature Survey on Various Illumination Normalization Techniques for Face Recognition with Fuzzy K Nearest Neighbour Classifier

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A. Thamizharasi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mohandas College of Engineering & Technology, India
J. S. Jayasudha
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCT College of Engineering, India


The face recognition is popular in video surveillance, social networks and criminal identifications nowadays. The performance of face recognition would be affected by variations in illumination, pose, aging and partial occlusion of face by Wearing Hats, scarves and glasses etc. The illumination variations are still the challenging problem in face recognition. The aim is to compare the various illumination normalization techniques. The illumination normalization techniques include: Log transformations, Power Law transformations, Histogram equalization, Adaptive histogram equalization, Contrast stretching, Retinex, Multi scale Retinex, Difference of Gaussian, DCT, DCT Normalization, DWT, Gradient face, Self Quotient, Multi scale Self Quotient and Homomorphic filter. The proposed work consists of three steps. First step is to preprocess the face image with the above illumination normalization techniques; second step is to create the train and test database from the preprocessed face images and third step is to recognize the face images using Fuzzy K nearest neighbor classifier. The face recognition accuracy of all preprocessing techniques is compared using the AR face database of color images.


Illumination Normalization, Contrast Stretching, Power Law, Homomorphic Filter, Log Transformations, FKNN Classifier.