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Design and Implementation of a Web-GIS Platform for Monitoring of Vegetation Status

1 Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India
2 School of Computer Science, MIT World Peace University, India

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The systematic analysis of crop condition monitoring using high spatial resolution satellite images is significant for decision-making and agricultural food production management. In the present paper, the web-GIS system has been designed and developed to accumulate spatial information, computing vegetation indices, and highlight Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes. The developed system was tested using Landsat-8 satellite images. The system preprocesses the Landsat-8 images for obtaining better surface reflectance, spatial and temporal resolutions and computes vegetation indices for crop condition monitoring. The developed web-GIS system provides an online mapping tool, vegetation indices statistics, download function with various standard formats, opacity function, image overlay, project wizard, and Geo-Mapper Application. Additionally, the system also offers vegetation status maps and its statistical values, which utilizes in further applications. In conclusion, the web-GIS system affords a dynamic user interface, which is useful for decision support and near real-time data with its comprehensive abilities.


Map Server, Leaflet, Python tool, Web-GIS, Vegetation Indices.
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  • Design and Implementation of a Web-GIS Platform for Monitoring of Vegetation Status

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Sandeep V. Gaikwad
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India
Amol D. Vibhute
School of Computer Science, MIT World Peace University, India
Karbhari V. Kale
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, India


The systematic analysis of crop condition monitoring using high spatial resolution satellite images is significant for decision-making and agricultural food production management. In the present paper, the web-GIS system has been designed and developed to accumulate spatial information, computing vegetation indices, and highlight Land Use Land Cover (LULC) changes. The developed system was tested using Landsat-8 satellite images. The system preprocesses the Landsat-8 images for obtaining better surface reflectance, spatial and temporal resolutions and computes vegetation indices for crop condition monitoring. The developed web-GIS system provides an online mapping tool, vegetation indices statistics, download function with various standard formats, opacity function, image overlay, project wizard, and Geo-Mapper Application. Additionally, the system also offers vegetation status maps and its statistical values, which utilizes in further applications. In conclusion, the web-GIS system affords a dynamic user interface, which is useful for decision support and near real-time data with its comprehensive abilities.


Map Server, Leaflet, Python tool, Web-GIS, Vegetation Indices.
