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The Effect of Supply Chain Integration on Dashen Brewery Private Share Company Operational Performance in Ethiopian

1 Department of Management, Debark University, Ethiopia

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This thesis paper makes an assessment on the effect of supply chain integration (Supply, internal, and customer integration) on Dashen Brewer Share Company operational performance at Gondar branch. The main objective of this paper is to assess the effect of supply chain integration on Dashen Brewer Factory operational performance. The study discusses different concepts on supply chain integration of internal, customer integration and supplier integration, and operational performance. The study used an explanatory study design to generate answers to the research questions with stratified simple random sampling techniques. To determine the sample size for selecting the respondents the researcher employed a sample size determination formula developed by Yemenis 1967. Accordingly, an aggregate of 121 respondents were selected, and participated in this study and out of these, data were obtained from 109 respondents of Dashen Brewery Share Company. Primary type of data was collected with the help of questionnaires and personal interviews. The collected data are analyzed by inferential statistics of correlation and regression. In order to examine the relationship between supply chain integration and the operational performance Pearson correlations was used. And to see the impact of independent variables on dependent variable regression model developed and tested with ANOVA statistics, model fit test, coefficients analysis, and collinearity test. And the research comes up with the following findings. Internal integration and customer integration have a stronger impact than the impact of supplier integration on operational performance. But all independent variables internal integration, customer integration and supplier integration have significant positive impact on operational performance. Finally based on the finding the recommendations forwarded as follow. Dashen Brewery Share Company is better to enhance the extents of integration of the three variables (internal integration, customer integration and supplier integration) since these variables help to the improvement of operational performance.


Customer Integration, Internal Integration, Supplier Integration, Supply Chain Integration, Delivery Time, Product Quality, Flexibility.
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  • The Effect of Supply Chain Integration on Dashen Brewery Private Share Company Operational Performance in Ethiopian

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Adisu Moges Tsehaye
Department of Management, Debark University, Ethiopia


This thesis paper makes an assessment on the effect of supply chain integration (Supply, internal, and customer integration) on Dashen Brewer Share Company operational performance at Gondar branch. The main objective of this paper is to assess the effect of supply chain integration on Dashen Brewer Factory operational performance. The study discusses different concepts on supply chain integration of internal, customer integration and supplier integration, and operational performance. The study used an explanatory study design to generate answers to the research questions with stratified simple random sampling techniques. To determine the sample size for selecting the respondents the researcher employed a sample size determination formula developed by Yemenis 1967. Accordingly, an aggregate of 121 respondents were selected, and participated in this study and out of these, data were obtained from 109 respondents of Dashen Brewery Share Company. Primary type of data was collected with the help of questionnaires and personal interviews. The collected data are analyzed by inferential statistics of correlation and regression. In order to examine the relationship between supply chain integration and the operational performance Pearson correlations was used. And to see the impact of independent variables on dependent variable regression model developed and tested with ANOVA statistics, model fit test, coefficients analysis, and collinearity test. And the research comes up with the following findings. Internal integration and customer integration have a stronger impact than the impact of supplier integration on operational performance. But all independent variables internal integration, customer integration and supplier integration have significant positive impact on operational performance. Finally based on the finding the recommendations forwarded as follow. Dashen Brewery Share Company is better to enhance the extents of integration of the three variables (internal integration, customer integration and supplier integration) since these variables help to the improvement of operational performance.


Customer Integration, Internal Integration, Supplier Integration, Supply Chain Integration, Delivery Time, Product Quality, Flexibility.
